Academic Positions
2023- | Wissenschaftlicher Mitarbeiter, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2022- | Lecturer, NYU Berlin |
2020-2022 | Research Fellow, Universität Erfurt |
2016-2022 | Lecturer, University of Sheffield |
2013-2016 | Post-Doctoral Researcher, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
2012-2013 | Stipendiary Lecturer in History, Balliol College, University of Oxford |
2008-2012 (viva 2013) | DPhil, Modern European History, University of Oxford (Merton College) – Doctoral Thesis: ‘“Better Active Today than Radioactive Tomorrow!” Transnational Opposition to Nuclear Energy in France and West Germany, 1968-1981 – Supervised by Robert Gildea and Jane Caplan |
2007-2008 | M.A., History,University of Chicago Thesis: ‘Particularly Universal? The Black Panther Party, Angela Davis, and the West German Left’ |
2004-2005 | M.A., Political Science (Trans-Atlantic Studies), University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Thesis: ‘Social Movement Transnationalization: A Multi-Level ATTAC’ – Coursework at Sciences Po Paris and Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin |
1998-2002 | B.A. with Highest Honors, International Studies,University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill – Honors Thesis: ‘Deconstructing José Bové: Food, National Identity, and Globalization in France’ |
Fellowships, Grants, and Awards
2020-2022 | DAAD Fellow, Universität Erfurt und Uniwersytet Wrocławski |
2013-2016 | Humboldt Post-Doc Fellow (German Universities’ Excellence Initiative) |
2012-2013 | Bourse post-doctorale du Centre Marc Bloch |
2011-2012 | Michael Foster Memorial Scholarship (DAAD), Berlin |
2011 | Oxford-Uppsala Exchange, Sweden |
2008-2011 | Clarendon Fund Award, Overseas Research Studentship, and Merton College Domus A Graduate Scholarship, University of Oxford |
2007-2008 | Social Sciences Research Fellowship, University of Chicago |
2006-2007 | Stipendium des Berliner Abgeordnetenhauses, Freie Universität Berlin |
2004-2005 | Foreign Language and Area Studies (FLAS) Fellowship for French and German |
Travel Grants | Polish Government Scholarship (2014, 2015, 2016), German History Society (2011), Society for the Study of French History (2010), Colin Matthew Fund (2009), Merton College (2009, 2010, 2011), FLAS Summer Fellowship for Russian (2008) |
Other | Phi Beta Kappa National Honour Society (since 2002), Golden Key National Honour Society (since 2000) |
Publications (click for citation details, abstracts, and links)
- Caught in the Net: Fish, Ships, and Oil in the GDR-Poland Territorial Waters Dispute, 1949–1989
- An “Ecological Internationale?” Nuclear Energy Opponents in Western Europe (1975-1980)
- The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000
- Borders in Contemporary History
- Protest and Social Movements in Contemporary History
- Understanding and Controlling the Environment in Contemporary History
- „Unter vorläufiger französischer Verwaltung“: Staatsterritorium, Grundbesitz und die Grenzen des Deutschen Reiches in der westlichen Bundesrepublik
- Rezension: Gerst et al., Grenzforschung
- Review: Augustine, Taking on Technocracy
- Review: Eckert, West Germany and the Iron Curtain
- Generating Post-Modernity: Nuclear Energy Opponents and the Future in the 1970s
- Towards a ‘Europe of Struggles’? Three Visions of Europe in the Early Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement, 1975–79
- Review: Milder, Greening Democracy
- Alle Wege führen nach Gorleben: Transnationale Netzwerke der Anti-AKW-Bewegung der 1970er Jahre
- Binding the Nation, Bounding the State: Germany and its Borders
- Review: Smith, Terror and Terroir
- Introduction: The Material Culture of Politics
- The Material Culture of Modern Politics in Cold War Europe
- From the Jessop Left picket line
- Review: Davey, Idealism Beyond Borders
- Interview with New Books Network
- Review: Naples and Bickham Mendez, Border Politics
- Better Active than Radioactive! Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany
- Grassroots Transnationalism(s). Franco-German Opposition to Nuclear Energy in the 1970s
- The Transnational in the Local: The Larzac Plateau as a Site of Transnational Activism since 1970
- Review: Timothy Scott Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties
- Tagungsbericht: Phantomgrenzen in Ostmitteleuropa. Zwischenbilanz eines neuen Forschungskonzeptes.
- Transnationality as a Liability? The Anti-Nuclear Movement at Malville
Presentations (click for details)
- Raging Farmers: Rural Protest in Germany and Contemporary Europe
- Towards a “Europe of Struggles?” Three Visions of Europe in the Early Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement (1975–79)
- The Gender of Smuggling: East German Customs and the Criminalization of Polish Workers’ Consumption, 1980-1989
- Not Here, Not Anywhere: Local and Transnational Anti-Nuclear Protest in 1970s France and West Germany
- Pracujący nad granicą: Kontrola Polek i Polaków zatrudnionych w NRD, 1980-1989
- Working the Border: Policing Labor along the Polish-East German Border, 1980-1989
- « L’électro-fascisme n’a pas de frontière ! » : Histoire croisée du mouvement anti-nucléaire en France et en RFA, 1968-1981
- Europäisierung im Alltag: Grenzüberschreitungen an Rhein und Oder nach 1945
- Caught in the Net: GDR-Poland Border Conflicts in Everyday Life
- Radioaktivität kennt keine Grenzen: Deutsch-französische Anti-AKW-Netzwerke der 1970er Jahre
- Pacifism, Self-Defense, Mass Violence: Varieties of Militancy in the 1970s French-German Anti-Nuclear Energy Movement
- Fließende Grenzen? Der Alltag am Rhein und an der Oder, 1949–1989
- For Farm and Fatherland? Claiming German Property on French Territory after 1945
- Ungerecht, undemokratisch, unsicher. Argumente und Akteure der deutsch-französischen Anti-AKW-Bewegung der 1970er Jahre
- Fishing in the Wrong Pond: GDR-Poland Border Conflicts in Everyday Life
- May ’68: The Beginning of a Long Struggle
- Occupy, Blockade, Riot: Seizing Space in the 1970s and 1980s
- ’68 within and beyond France
- ‘The Beginning of a Long Struggle’? Afterlives of ‘1968’ in Western Europe
- ‘Radioactivity Doesn’t Stop at the Border’ Transnational Protest in 1970s France and West Germany
- Interview with New Books Network
- „Lieber aktiv als radioaktiv“ Perspektiven auf die transnationalen Ursprünge der Anti-Atom-Bewegung
- Towards a “Europe of Struggles?” Visions of “Europe” in the Anti-Nuclear Movement of the 1970s
- ‘Peaceful but Offensive’ Protest: Varieties of Violence in the 1970s Anti-Nuclear Movement
- History of Nuclear Campaigning
- Fluid Boundaries? A Tandem History of the Rhine and Oder-Neisse Borderlands, 1949-1989
- Bordering Germany(s): A Tandem History of the Rhine and Oder-Neisse Borderlands, 1949-89
- Fließende Grenzen? Der Rhein und die Oder-Neiße-Linie im Kalten Krieg (1949–1989)
- Transnational mais pas trop européen? Le mouvement franco-allemand d’opposition à l’énergie nucléaire dans les années 1970
- “Power to the Bauer!” Anti-Nuclear Occupations and Rural Space, 1975-1980
- Utopia or Dystopia? Cultural Representations of Nuclear Energy in Western European Anti-Nuclear Movements
- « L’électro-fascisme n’a pas de frontière ! » Deutsch-Französische Anti-AKW-Proteste der 1970er Jahre
- Building Blocs: Germans and Their Neighbours in the 1970s
- A Specifically 1970s Transnationalism? Anti-Nuclear Protest in France and West Germany
- Transnational Fusion: Anti-Nuclear Protest in the 1970s and the Rise of the Environmental Movement in West Germany
- Beyond ‘New Social Movements’: Transnational Anti-Nuclear Protest in France and West Germany
- Changing the World, Changing Themselves? Trajectories of Anti-Nuclear Activism, 1968-1981
- « Larzac-Gorleben : même combat » ? Competing Franco-German Solidarities in Local Struggles of the 1970s
- ‘Radioactivity Doesn’t Stop at the Border and Neither Do We!’ The Anti-Nuclear Movement along the Franco-German Border, 1968–1981
- “Lieber heute aktiv als morgen radioaktiv”: Die Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung in Frankreich und Westdeutschland, 1968-1981
- « Penser globalement, agir localement » : Les liens transnationaux dans le mouvement anti-nucléaire des années 1970 et dans la vie de ses militants
- ‘Radioactivity Doesn’t Stop at the Border and Neither Do We!’ The Anti-Nuclear Movement along the Franco-German Border, 1968–1981
- Anti-Nuclear Fusion: Actors and Motivations within the Transnational Movement against Nuclear Power in France and West Germany, 1968-1981
- “Power to the Bauer!” Rural Protest against Nuclear Energy in France and West Germany during the 1970s
- “Ein zweites Wyhl” or “Ein zweites Brokdorf”? Nonviolence and Violence in the Movement Against Nuclear Power, 1968-1981
- “A Revolution in Morestel?” The Opposition to Nuclear Energy in Provincial France, 1968-1981
- “Radioactivity Doesn’t Stop at the Border and Neither Do We!” The Anti-Nuclear Movement along the Franco-German Border, 1968–1981
- After 68: Transnational Activism in France and West Germany, 1968-1981
- Constructing the Transnational Self: Activists at and across the Franco-German Border
- Wyhl versus Malville. Transnationalitäten einer deutsch-französischen Anti-Atomkraft-Bewegung