Category: Publications

Caught in the Net: Fish, Ships, and Oil in the GDR-Poland Territorial Waters Dispute, 1949–1989

Article published in Central European History 56 (2023), Special Issue ‘Everyday Transnationalism, Global Entanglements and Regimes of Mobility at the Edges of East Germany’, pp. 173-195. doi:10.1017/S0008938922001029. Abstract: The 1945 Potsdam Agreement established a new border between Poland and Germany at the so-called “Oder-Neisse line,” but it left unsettled the question of the maritime boundary…
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Malville - Objectif: 99.999 (Brice Lalonde ne viendra pas)

An “Ecological Internationale?” Nuclear Energy Opponents in Western Europe (1975-1980)

Chapter published in Michele Di Donato and Mathieu Fulla (eds.), Leftist Internationalisms: A Transnational Political History (London: Bloomsbury, 2023), pp. 219–232. doi:10.5040/ Extract: The ‘Ecological Internationale’ [imagined by the French Interior Ministry] was never as united as French authorities or their West German counterparts imagined it to be. Indeed, it might well be argued that…
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The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000

Collaboratively written open-access textbook produced for the “Teaching European History in the 21st Century” (TEH21) Erasmus+ Strategic Partnership project, for which I served as an author, the editor of Unit 2 (social history), and primary coordinator at the University of Sheffield. Jan Hansen, Jochen Hung, Jaroslav Ira, Judit Klement, Sylvain Lesage, Juan Luis Simal, Andrew…
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Understanding and Controlling the Environment in Contemporary History

Collaboratively written chapter for the open-access textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Introduction: Over the course of the twentieth century, Europeans, the European environment, and their mutual relationship underwent dramatic changes. The acceleration of industrialisation at the turn of the century amplified existing problems like water and air pollution. So,…
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Borders in Contemporary History

Collaboratively written chapter for the open-access textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Introduction: Political borders in twentieth-century Europe are usually thought of as lines on a map, separating one nation-state from another. In practice, however, there are many borderlands and border zones where belonging is ambiguous, arbitrary, or unstable. Throughout…
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Protest and Social Movements in Contemporary History

Collaboratively written chapter for the open-access textbook The European Experience: A Multi-Perspective History of Modern Europe, 1500–2000. Introduction: Over the course of the twentieth century, protest and social movements changed dramatically. In the first half of the century, much of the European continent was embroiled in conflict between right- and left-wing movements that sought to…
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„Unter vorläufiger französischer Verwaltung“: Staatsterritorium, Grundbesitz und die Grenzen des Deutschen Reiches in der westlichen Bundesrepublik

Artikel veröffentlicht im Tel Aviver Jahrbuch für deutsche Geschichte 49. 2021, S. 174-216. Auszug: In vielen Fragen der Nachkriegsordnung waren Ost und West in der Politik der Bundesrepublik engstens verflochten. Der Fall des sequestrierten deutschen Vermögens in Frankreich und der „Annektierung“ des Mundatwaldes in der Pfalz zeigt in extremis, wie Fragen der verlorenen Ostgebiete auch…
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Rezension: Gerst et al., Grenzforschung

Sammelband rezensiert für H-Soz-u-Kult (18.11.2021). Veröffentlicht auch bei Soziopolis unter dem Titel “Erkundungen im Grenzgebiet”. Zusammenfassung: Die Beiträge eignen sich am besten zur eigenständigen Lektüre der einzelnen Themen, die allerdings klar mit übergeordneten Fragen verbunden sind. Entsprechend dem Ansatz der Herausgeber:innen, die Bandbreite der Grenzforschung vor allem in theoretischer und methodischer Hinsicht darzustellen, überwiegen insgesamt…
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Review: Augustine, Taking on Technocracy

Monograph reviewed for German Studies Review 44 (1), 2021 (pp. 208-210). Summary: Taking on Technocracy covers a broad range of developments in the domains of technology, policy, and protest, analyzing them with nuance in the different contexts of East and West Germany. For those wanting to understand why the issue of nuclear power has remained…
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Review: Eckert, West Germany and the Iron Curtain

Monograph reviewed for German History in Volume 39, Issue 2, June 2021, Pages 330–332. doi:10.1093/gerhis/ghab008 Summary: West Germany and the Iron Curtain is an ambitious re-examination of German history from its literal margins. Eckert’s methodologically innovative analysis not only straddles the East-West divide but interrogates 1945 and 1989/90 as chronological caesuras. Refracted through the environmental…
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