Tag: Poland

Caught in the Net: Fish, Ships, and Oil in the GDR-Poland Territorial Waters Dispute, 1949–1989

Article published in Central European History 56 (2023), Special Issue ‘Everyday Transnationalism, Global Entanglements and Regimes of Mobility at the Edges of East Germany’, pp. 173-195. doi:10.1017/S0008938922001029. Abstract: The 1945 Potsdam Agreement established a new border between Poland and Germany at the so-called “Oder-Neisse line,” but it left unsettled the question of the maritime boundary…
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The Gender of Smuggling: East German Customs and the Criminalization of Polish Workers’ Consumption, 1980-1989

Presented at the workshop “Between Deviance and Marginalization: Gendered Perspectives on Transnational Crime” at the Universität Erfurt.

Warszawa w październiku / Warsaw in October

In October 2021, I made several trips to Warsaw to conduct research in the Archiwum Akt Nowych. Equipped with my trusty camera (and sometimes with my GDR-made Pentacon 135mm lens), I photographed not only untold quantities of archive documents but also some of the sights of Stary Mokotów and central Warsaw.

Window on Wrocław

Signs, text, graffiti, posters, and murals in Wrocław’s public spaces.


People in Wrocław.

Wrocław reopens

It has been an unusual year to do research abroad, as I have spent most of my time in Poland inside my own apartment, “Zoomed out” in front of a computer screen. Travel long remained restricted, restaurants and bars were closed, and public spaces felt risky due to the coronavirus pandemic. Spring 2021 felt like…
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Wrocławska zima / Wrocław Winter

Photos from the Winter in Wrocław, where I have been conducting a research project about the German-Polish border.

Pracujący nad granicą: Kontrola Polek i Polaków zatrudnionych w NRD, 1980-1989

Prezentacja w seminarium naukowym Ośrodku Badań Regionalnych i Obszarów Pogranicza (OBROP) w Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim Pomimo, że NRD zdecydowało o zamknięciu granicy z PRL w 1980 r., a w kolejnym roku został w Polsce ogłoszony stan wojenny, tysiące Polek i Polaków nadal codziennie przekraczało granicę w latach osiemdziesiątych, żeby pracować we wschodnioniemieckich fabrykach. Dla nich praca…
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Jesień we Wrocławiu / Fall in Wrocław

Starting in September 2020, I moved for a year to Wrocław, Poland, to conduct research as part of my DAAD project, entitled “Working the Border: Policing Labor along the Polish-East German Border, 1980-1989.” Here are some of my first impressions of the city in Fall 2020.

Working the Border: Policing Labor along the Polish-East German Border, 1980-1989

Project outline presented for DAAD PRIME seminar in Bonn. See also the page devoted to this research project.