Tag: Germany

Pracujący nad granicą: Kontrola Polek i Polaków zatrudnionych w NRD, 1980-1989

Prezentacja w seminarium naukowym Ośrodku Badań Regionalnych i Obszarów Pogranicza (OBROP) w Uniwersytecie Wrocławskim Pomimo, że NRD zdecydowało o zamknięciu granicy z PRL w 1980 r., a w kolejnym roku został w Polsce ogłoszony stan wojenny, tysiące Polek i Polaków nadal codziennie przekraczało granicę w latach osiemdziesiątych, żeby pracować we wschodnioniemieckich fabrykach. Dla nich praca…
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Working the Border: Policing Labor along the Polish-East German Border, 1980-1989

Project outline presented for DAAD PRIME seminar in Bonn. See also the page devoted to this research project.

Europäisierung im Alltag: Grenzüberschreitungen an Rhein und Oder nach 1945

Vortrag beim Kolloquium Globalgeschichte (Lehrstuhl Iris Schröder), Historisches Seminar der Universität Erfurt und Forschungszentrum Gotha, 28. November 2019.

Fließende Grenzen? Der Alltag am Rhein und an der Oder, 1949–1989

Gastvortrag für das “Research Factory” des Viadrina-Centers B/orders in Motion.

Binding the Nation, Bounding the State: Germany and its Borders

Review article for German History Vol. 37, No. 1 (2019), examining seventeen recent publications on the borders of Germany and of Europe in the 19th and 20th centuries.

Fluid Boundaries? A Tandem History of the Rhine and Oder-Neisse Borderlands, 1949-1989

Project presentation given at the ‘Edgy states and boundary crossers: borders and borderlands in the “Short Twentieth Century”‘ workshop at St Hugh’s College, University of Oxford.

Bordering Germany(s): A Tandem History of the Rhine and Oder-Neisse Borderlands, 1949-89

Präsentation beim IV. Kongress Polenforschung zum Thema “Grenzen im Fluss” in Frankfurt an der Oder und Słubice, 23.-26. März 2017.

Fließende Grenzen? Der Rhein und die Oder-Neiße-Linie im Kalten Krieg (1949–1989)

Projektvorstellung im Kolloquium von Prof. Dr. Thomas Mergel, Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, 15. Juni 2016.

Grassroots Transnationalism(s). Franco-German Opposition to Nuclear Energy in the 1970s

Article published in Contemporary European History, vol 25, no. 1 (February 2016), 117-142. Abstract: During the 1970s opposition to nuclear energy was present in countries around the world and thus eminently ‘transnational’. But what did it mean to participate at the grassroots of such a transnational movement and (how) did cross-border connections change protest? This…
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Building Blocs: Germans and Their Neighbours in the 1970s

Presented at the ‘Living in European Borderlands’ conference, Université de Luxembourg, 20-22 November 2014. Abstract: The 1970s constituted a period of increasing cross-border integration within the competing transnational blocs of Eastern and Western Europe.  For the first time since the Second World War, East Germans and Poles could visit one another’s countries with relative ease,…
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