Tag: 1968

Protestbewegungen in Europa, 1968-1989

Ich habe diesen Kurs (Proseminar) im Wintersemester 2023/24 an der Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin unterrichtet. Dafür habe ich meinen englischsprachigen Kurs zum Thema für deutsche Studierende adaptiert. Kursbeschreibung: Gibt es so etwas wie Protestgeschichte? Soziale Bewegungen werden häufig als zyklisch oder diskontinuierlich verstanden – nicht zuletzt, weil ihre Themen, Akteure und Formen dauernd wechseln. Das gilt…
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May ’68: The Beginning of a Long Struggle

Presentation for student conference, University of Sheffield, 10 June 2018.

’68 within and beyond France

Presentation given as part of the ‘1968: A Global Revolt Fifty Years On’ panel discussion organised by the University of Sheffield Centre for Contemporary and Modern History.

‘The Beginning of a Long Struggle’? Afterlives of ‘1968’ in Western Europe

Keynote speech for ‘1968: Resonances and Reverberations’ workshop organised by the Labour and Society Research Group of Newcastle University.

A Comparative History of Revolution

I have regularly taught seminar groups and given lectures for the University of Sheffield’s team-taught HST3306 thematic module on ‘Revolutions’, including in the academic years 2016-17, 2017-18, and 2018-19.

The Transnational in the Local: The Larzac Plateau as a Site of Transnational Activism since 1970

Article co-written with Robert Gildea and published in Journal of Contemporary History, vol. 50, no. 3 (July 2015), 581-605.

Review: Timothy Scott Brown, West Germany and the Global Sixties

Monograph reviewed for German History, Vol. 32, No. 3 (2014), pp. 507-509. doi:10.1093/gerhis/ghu024 Summary: Brown offers an incisive critique of many supposedly ‘transnational’ studies published in the last decade, focused as they are on the accumulation of national case studies.  His own ‘transnational’ tells us far more about how Germans drew on ‘the global’ than…
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Protest Movements in Western Europe and the USA, 1960s-1980s

Taught at the Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin, Sommersemester 2014.